See WARRANT's ERIK TURNER And Son Perform Acoustic Version Of 'I Saw Red'

March 29, 2020

WARRANT guitarist Erik Turner and his son Noah have used the coronavirus downtime to work up an acoustic version of the band's classic song "I Saw Red". Video of their rendition can be seen below.

WARRANT shared the clip on social media earlier today (Sunday, March 29),writing in an accompanying caption: "Since we are all at home and the WARRANT boys can't be together right now, Erik Turner thought it would be fun to play a song for everyone with his son Noah. So they whipped up their own version of WARRANT's song 'I Saw Red'. We hope you enjoy it.

"The Down Boys can't wait to get out on the road again and rock all your pretty faces off. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home".

The original version of "I Saw Red" appeared on the band's second album, "Cherry Pie", which came out in 1990. The LP is WARRANT's best-known and highest-selling release, having peaked at No. 7 on the Billboard 200 chart. The album featured the additional hits "Cherry Pie", "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Blind Faith".

Vocalist Robert Mason replaced original frontman Jani Lane in 2008 and has brought a degree of stability to the band after Lane's unceremonious departure and subsequent 2011 death.

WARRANT's latest album, "Louder Harder Faster", was released in 2017 via Frontiers Music Srl. The disc was recorded with producer Jeff Pilson — a veteran bassist who has played with DIO, FOREIGNER and DOKKEN, among others — and was mixed by Pat Regan, except for the song "I Think I'll Just Stay Here And Drink", which was mixed by Chris "The Wizard" Collier (FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, PRONG, LAST IN LINE).

WARRANT continues to tour regularly in support of "Louder Harder Faster" and is rounded out by original members Joey Allen (guitar),Jerry Dixon (bass) and Steven Sweet (drums).

Since we are all at home and the Warrant boys can’t be together right now, Erik Turner thought it would be fun to play a song for everyone with his son Noah. So they whipped up their own version of Warrant’s song “I Saw Red”. We hope you enjoy it.
The Down Boys can’t wait to get out on the road again and rock all your pretty faces off ?? Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home ?

Posted by WARRANT on Sunday, March 29, 2020

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