SEPULTURA Shares Video Recap Of Fall 2022 European Tour With SACRED REICH And CROWBAR

December 8, 2022

Brazilian/American metallers SEPULTURA have shared a compilation of recap videos from their fall 2022 "Quadra" European tour with SACRED REICH and CROWBAR. Check it out below.

In an interview with the "Pollution Nocturne" radio show conducted at this past summer's Plane'r Fest in Rhône-Alpes, France, SEPULTURA frontman Derrick Green was asked when fans can expect to see a follow-up to the band's 2020 album "Quadra". He responded: "It's really difficult to say what we'll do for the next album because we're just starting to tour for this album. So there's quite a bit of touring we need to do this year, till the end of the year, and then next year as well before we even start to think about going in the studio again. So I think our focus is really based on touring right now for 'Quadra'."

As for how it feels for him and his bandmates to be back on the road after a two-year pandemic-related break from touring, he said: "It feels great to be back. To play live music is everything to us; it really is a big part of our lives. And being away from it for so long was strange at first, but I think it made us stronger in a lot of ways. We were able to determine what we really enjoy in life, what we take note of what really matters in our lives. So that break actually helped in ways. Now being here playing, it feels unbelievable; it feels like something that was missing but now it's back; that piece that was missing is now there again."

In June, SEPULTURA guitarist Andreas Kisser left the band's European tour due to what was at the time being described as a "family emergency." A couple of weeks later, it was revealed that Andreas's wife had died after a year-and-a-half battle with colon cancer. He was temporarily replaced on the road by Jean Patton of fellow São Paulo, Brazil-based heavy metal act PROJECT46.

SEPULTURA comprises Kisser, Green, bassist Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr. and drummer Eloy Casagrande.

SEPULTURA was formed in Belo Horizonte by brothers Max and Igor Cavalera, who are no longer with the band.

That’s all she wrote on this KILLER ??Europe tour?? with Sacred Reich and Crowbar ?? Thank you to our amazing fans for...

Posted by Sepultura on Tuesday, November 22, 2022

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