SEVENDUST's LAJON WITHERSPOON, Wife Suffer Loss Of Baby Due To Pregnancy Complications

October 7, 2020

SEVENDUST's Lajon Witherspoon used social media Wednesday (October 7) to let the public he and his wife had suffered the loss of their unborn child.

The singer took to his Instagram to write: "Hey Y'all, As many of the extended @Sevendust family are aware (you know you aren't fans to us, but our family),there was going to be another addition to the Witherspoon family band. We never take these blessings lightly and we know these crazy times present challenges for all of us. Unfortunately, complications arose that we were unable to plan for. Even with the best efforts of everyone involved including my lovely wife Ashley, we lost our precious baby.

"We are so heartbroken. Thankfully Ashley is doing ok and with the support of y'all around us, we will get through this.

"We appreciate the immense outpouring of love that has come our way through this difficult time and for that we just wanted to say thank you from all of us. We love you all and take care of each other."

Lajon and Ashley Witherspoon are the parents of two daughters, Maya Diane and Jada Legend, and a son, Kingston.

Witherspoon grew up in Atlanta, where his father was an R&B musician. He and his family currently reside in Kansas City.

Last month, SEVENDUST announced its first-ever livestream and its only show of 2020: "Sevendust: Live In Your Living Room". The event will take place on October 23 — the release date of the band's 13th studio album, "Blood & Stone", via Rise Records. The show will be live starting at 9:00 p.m. EDT/6:00 p.m. PDT and available globally at the corresponding hour for each territory.

Tickets for the live stream are $17.00 and available here.

The follow-up to 2018's "All I See Is War", "Blood & Stone" was once again tracked at Studio Barbarosa in Gotha, Florida with producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette, who has previously worked with ALTER BRIDGE and SLASH, among others.

Witherspoon has spent the last few years working, on and off, on his upcoming debut solo album. He has been collaborating with multi-instrumentalist Daniel "Sahaj" Ticotin, who contributed to MÖTLEY CRÜE's "The Dirt" soundtrack. Witherspoon released the standalone single "Love Song" in 2017.

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❤️??❤️a message from The Witherspoon’s

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