SHINEDOWN's BRENT SMITH Promotes Positive Body Image By Sharing Non-Filtered Selfie

April 26, 2020

SHINEDOWN singer Brent Smith has shared a new, non-filtered picture of himself to promote good self-esteem and a positive body image.

Earlier today, Smith took to his Instagram to post a mirror selfie in which he is seen lifting his shirt up to reveal a huge tattoo across his stomach and lower chest.

He wrote in an accompanying message: "PAY ATTENTION Quick story about this photo... So l, took this picture last night right before I went to sleep. When I got up this morning, and I looked at it it made me really angry. Now why did it make me angry.

"Six weeks ago, like a lot of the world I, was working very hard, not only on artistic projects but, also my physicality. I was being very specific about not only my workouts, but also my diet, and I was really starting to see serious gains in how I was leaning up. Fast forward to this morning when I looked at this photo. I began to beat myself up, I began to question my authenticity, and my integrity, and how I present myself to the world. How can I go online, and tell people to get their workout in, to push through walls and, to better themselves when I myself, am disappointed with how I look. I spent 20 minutes going through filters, and different angles of how I was going to present this picture to all of you, so that I could motivate you to keep working hard on your physical health. And then something remarkable happened, I realized that I am not perfect. I realized that I, myself like a lot of people right now are going through some very difficult times. I know we are all frustrated, confused, mad, and just straight up PISSED OFF. But I also realized that it's OK to have these feelings, but what is NOT OK Is letting these emotions define who you are, and what we are all capable of...

"So with all that being said there is #nofilter on this picture. This is who I am today, but I am encouraged by this photo because I know for me personally what I need to work on. I know who I am inside, and out, and I also know that I am tenacious, and determined to better myself each, and everyday, #mind #body and #soul.

"I want everyone out there to know that you are not alone, that we all get frustrated, we all get sad, and we all need answers, but we also need each other. We need to encourage each other, we need to fight for each other, we need to love, and motivate each other. Because tomorrow is coming, and our future is in front of us, and if we TRULY work #together there is nothing we can't achieve.

"Stay MOTIVATED, and INSPIRE EACH OTHER #westandtall"

Back in 2013, Smith opened up in an interview with the Los Angeles Times about his four-year struggle with substance abuse that ended with him quitting cocaine, painkillers and alcohol and losing 70 pounds in the process. Smith said that the final straws were a warning from his girlfriend and an insult about his girth on national television. Smith explained at the time: "I've toured for over 12 years, and for the first two records I was addicted to cocaine, OxyContin and alcohol. The coke and Oxy kept my weight down. But for the third album I quit the opiates and started to crave sugar. I was still drinking a lot of alcohol and started to pack on the pounds."

SHINEDOWN appeared on the "Today" show in 2009, where host Kathie Lee Gifford said, "At first I thought he was Meat Loaf."

Smith recalled: "It really stung. I'm a fan of Meat Loaf but she wasn't talking about a musical comparison. My heart kind of fell on the ground — it was like the performance didn't even matter."

Smith told The Pulse Of Radio nearly a decade ago that he's always felt like an entertainer has a responsibility to be a role model to the fans. "I've never said that we're rock stars but I will say that we're role models, because there are a lot of people in the audience that look up to you," he said. "Sometimes, you know, it's like, you'll find that kid and they really want to be you, you know, or be like you. You have a duty to show them how to be a real artist, be a real entertainer, be a man or be a woman. That's a duty upon yourself that you asked for, so respect it, and also respect the people that are watching you."

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⚠️PAY ATTENTION ⚠️ Quick story about this photo... So l, took this picture last night right before I went to sleep. When I got up this morning, and I looked at it it made me really angry ?. Now why did it make me angry. Six weeks ago, like a lot of the world I, was working very hard, not only on artistic projects but, also my physicality. I was being very specific about not only my workouts, but also my diet, and I was really starting to see serious gains in how I was leaning up. Fast forward to this morning when I looked at this photo. I began to beat myself up, I began to question my authenticity, and my integrity, and how I present myself to the world. How can I go online, and tell people to get their workout in, to push through walls and, to better themselves when I myself, am disappointed with how I look. I spent 20 minutes going through filters, and different angles of how I was going to present this picture to all of you, so that I could motivate you to keep working hard on your physical health. And then something remarkable happened, I realized that I am not perfect. I realized that I, myself like a lot of people right now are going through some very difficult times. I know we are all frustrated, confused, mad, and just straight up PISSED OFF. But I also realized that it’s OK to have these feelings, but what is NOT OK Is letting these emotions define who you are, and what we are all capable of... So with all that being said there is #nofilter on this picture. This is who I am today, but I am encouraged by this photo because I know for me personally what I need to work on. I know who I am inside, and out, and I also know that I am tenacious, and determined to better myself each, and everyday, #mind #body and #soul. I want everyone out there to know that you are not alone, that we all get frustrated, we all get sad, and we all need answers, but we also need each other. We need to encourage each other, we need to fight for each other, we need to love, and motivate each other. Because tomorrow is coming, and our future is in front of us, and if we TRULY work #together there is nothing we can’t achieve. Stay MOTIVATED, and INSPIRE EACH OTHER #westandtall

A post shared by @ thebrentsmith on

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