SKID ROW's RACHEL BOLAN: 'We Recorded The New Album Twice'

December 29, 2002

SKID ROW recorded their recently-completed album, "ThickSkin", twice in order to make sure that it was a worthy follow-up to their final release with frontman Sebastian Bach, 1995's "Subhuman Race". "We thought we were done, and then after it was mixed decided that it didn't sound like SKID ROW," bassist Rachel Bolan revealed in an interview posted at "So we re-recorded most of it. While that was being done we wrote a couple more songs. So we recorded them. While all this was going on we were on tour. That is why it took so long."

SKID ROW are currently shopping "ThickSkin" for a label deal following their split with longtime home Atlantic Records. An early 2003 release is expected.

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