SOILWORK: First Webstream From The Studio Available Online

January 30, 2010

Swedish modern metal godfathers SOILWORK have announced a series of special live-in-studio webstreams throughout the months of January-February-March covering the recording process of the band's new album, "The Panic Broadcast".

In collaboration with Ustream, SOILWORK will become the second band on Nuclear Blast Records to broadcast its efforts in the studio in real time to fans across the globe.

The first live stream took take place on Thursday, January 28 and is now available for viewing in four parts below.

Throughout the months of February-March, keep an eye on SOILWORK's Twitter page, Facebook page, or MySpace page for up-to-the-minute announcements on what day/time the next live stream will be taking place.

Watch the live streams at this location.

Anyone who misses the live stream will be able to watch a re-broadcast of every stream on the band's Ustream channel and on the band's YouTube channel.

Fans are encouraged to post their questions on the band's Facebook or MySpace page. Simply look for the news posting that asks fans to post questions in the "comments" section. Fans can also ask questions in real time via the social stream on the band's Ustream channel.

SOILWORK vocalist Björn "Speed" Strid recently stated about "The Panic Broadcast", "If any of you missed some of the intricate riffing that makes SOILWORK so unique, you won't be disappointed. I find these songs very playful and because we're not cutting down on anything — no 'too much information,' no 'less is more' — they're just pure musical joy with no boundaries. And THAT, to me, is what this band is all about! Of course, there'll be some surprises as always, and giving every one of us the freedom to go apeshit will without a doubt yield a heavy-as-fuck and naturally catchy album.

"More solos? Check. Insane riffing? Check. Melodic vocals? Screamy vocals? Progressive keyboards? Best metal drummer in the world? Will Flink dance while recording his bass tracks as if it were nothing? Check!!!"

The drums for "The Panic Broadcast" are being recorded at Echo Mountain in Asheville, North Carolina while the rest of the recording is set to take place in Tampa, Florida and the mix at Fascination Street in Örebro, Sweden.

The long-awaited follow-up to 2007's "Sworn To A Great Divide" is being produced by guitarist Peter Wichers and mixed by Jens Bogren (OPETH, KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST, BLOODBATH).

SOILWORK's new album will be the first to feature Wichers since his return to the band in 2008, as well as the studio debut with guitarist Sylvain Coudret (SCARVE),who also joined in 2008.

Wichers sat out some of the band's festival shows in Europe last June because he and his wife were expecting a little baby boy. His temporary replacement for the Sweden Rock and Sauna Open Air festivals was David Andersson.

In an interview with, Wichers spoke about what direction the band might take musically with its next album. "We talked about maybe taking a little bit of a different approach for the next record," he said. "Having me and Sylvain back in the band, I think that we're probably going to try to do stuff that might be a little more technical. We want to keep the element of the catchy chorus but at the same time maybe have bit more guitar solos than on 'Sworn to a Great Divide' and also let Dirk [Verbeuren, drums] get more space on the record for drumming. That was one of the things I think that 'Sworn to a Great Divide' was lacking a little bit. It's a good record but I think that with such talented musicians the next album definitely needs to have more performance."

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