SOULFLY: New Song 'Master Of Savagery' Available For Streaming

September 4, 2013

"Master Of Savagery", a brand new song from SOULFLY, can be streamed in the YouTube clip below. The track comes off the band's ninth album, "Savages", which is scheduled for release on October 4 via the band's new label home, Nuclear Blast Entertainment. The CD was produced by Terry Date, who is known for his work with such acts as PANTERA, DEFTONES and SOUNDGARDEN, among many others. Guest vocal appearances on "Savages" include SOULFLY bass player Tony Campos, CLUTCH's Neil Fallon, NAPALM DEATH's Mitch Harris, Jamie Hanks of I DECLARE WAR and SOULFLY mainman Max Cavalera's son Igor Cavalera (of LODY KONG).

"Savages"will be released as a limited-edition digpack CD, 2LP vinyl and digital download.

"Savages" track listing:

01. Bloodshed (feat. Igor Cavalera)
02. Cannibal Holocaust
03. Fallen (feat. Jamie Hanks)
04. Ayatollah Of Rock ‘N’ Rolla (feat. Neil Fallon)
05. Master Of Savagery
06. Spiral
07. This Is Violence
08. K.C.S. (feat. Mitch Harris)
09. El Comegente (feat. Tony Campos)
10. Soulfliktion

Limited-edition CD and 2LP vinyl bonus tracks:

11. Fuck Reality
12. Soulfly IX

The official lyric video for"Bloodshed" can be seen below. The track features a guest appearance by Igor Cavalera of LODY KONG.

Comments Max: "The song is about the absurdity of the human condition in territories plagued by bloodshed all over the world. Not just recent events like Iraq, but also historical conflicts such as the U.S. Civil War, World Wars I and II, etc."

The cover artwork for "Savages" was created by renowned artist Paul Stottler, who is best known for his work on SACRED REICH's legendary "Surf Nicaragua" cover.

Date previously mixed SOULFLY's "3" (2002),"Prophecy" (2004) and "Dark Ages" (2005) albums, but had never produced any of the group's CDs.

The drum tracks on the new SOULFLY CD were laid down by Max's 21-year-old son, Zyon Cavalera, who joined the band as its touring drummer for its recent rampage through North America.

Zyon previously played with SOULFLY during the band's tour of Brazil in February 2012.

It is Zyon's unborn heartbeat that can be heard during the intro of SEPULTURA's classic song "Refuse/Resist", which appeared on the band's RIAA-gold-certified "Chaos A.D." album, released three years before Max's departure from the group.

Commented Max Cavalera: "Recording 'Savages' was an amazing experience for me. I was so excited to work with Terry Date, whom I consider to be one of the best producers of all time. He has done some great records and we have been in contact for awhile since he mixed three SOULFLY albums in the past. He came to see SOULFLY whenever we played in Seattle, and we finally made it work that he would be the producer for 'Savages'.

"My teammates were awesome. Marc [Rizzo, guitar] did some crazy guitar noises and we did a 'Mars Part Two' at the end of 'El Comegente'; it's very LED ZEPPELIN-influenced and Marc kicked some ass on it.

"I wrote 'El Comegente' with Tony Campos. It's in Portuguese and Spanish and it's about Vargas — a Venezuelan cannibal from the '80s. He is the Hannibal Lecter of the Andes. Crazy shit!

"I worked for the first time on a full album with my son, Zyon. Before recording the album I first worked closely at home with him in preproduction, and it was great to spend weeks on the songs with Zyon, shaping the sound of the record.

"Zyon did a great job and he hits really hard just like his uncle Igor.

"It was amazing recording with my son. A whole record! A dream come true for a father whose life is dedicated to metal. 'Savages' is a celebration of all that."

"Master Of Savagery" audio stream:

"Bloodshed" lyric video:


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