Spanish Journalist To FRED DURST: 'It's Not About The Balls, It's About The Brain'

February 4, 2004

A Spanish rock journalist who accused LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst of "once again disrespect[ing] [his] fans" by challenging the writer to stand near the stage at a BIZKIT concert after Durst was "insulted" in a one-to-one interview with the reporter has issued another "open letter" to the singer.

In a lengthy posting to LIMP BIZKIT's web site, Durst said that he became furious after Jordi Meya, from Rock Sound magazine, asked him: "You have a knack for pissing people off, why is that?"

Durst said: "It not only amazes me that this guy was picked to interview me, but that he is a journalist for one of the most popular music magazines in Europe."

In his first open letter to Fred, Meya insisted that it was Durst who in fact "insulted" him, saying that the singer "overreacted to a question that lots of [LIMP BIZKIT] fans around Spain have in their minds.

"If you want, you can prove me wrong by having an intelligent adult conversation with me instead of trying to kick my ass when you come to Spain."

Writing in response to Jordi's letter, Durst said, "we'd like to put a call out to any other serious journalist in Spain who would like to do a real interview with us, but to you [referring to Jordi] I say 'no thanks' and I'd rather kick your fake ass."

"Neither LIMP BIZKIT nor I need to redeem ourselves because of any actions in the past. We tour because we love the connection with fans and we will give Spain exactly what LIMP BIZKIT can on the night of the show.

"Go ahead and respond because this is when the 'big asshole rock star' helps a 'little ol' nobody' like you get a 'break,' right? And when you're done, get over it and get some balls."

The following is Jordi's latest letter to Durst:

"Dear Fred,

"I was really close to not writing this reply at all because this is getting really lame, but since you started this pathetic soap opera I think I have the right to give my last word on it.

"You seem to forget that our conversation was taped, so if you allow me we can post an MP3 of it and let people judge from themselves (there's already a transcription of it on And let that be it. Maybe some people will perceive my 'negative attitude' and maybe some will think you acted like a 'big asshole rock star'.

"Who cares? I just hope your shows in Spain are as great as your fans deserve them to be.

"Oh, and it's not about balls, it's about brain."

(Thanks: Javier Pérez / RockFever 98.1 FM)

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