June 27, 2008

France's Season Of Mist has announced the signing of two new U.S.-based acts: North Carolina's southern rock/metal band THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS and Louisiana's OUTLAW ORDER.

THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS's sound is "seeping with infectious riffs, soulful vocals and all-around stump stomping songs, according to a press release. The band's debut album, "Of Mountains and Moonshine", "will surely lead them to headlining status at summer festivals, commercial radio speciality shows and keg party smoke circles across the country and the world." An October release is expected.

The band comments on this new alignment: "We're beyond excited to begin a long lasting and fruitful partnership with Season of Mist! It's a deep mark of pride to become part of a family which has brought along so many influential artists. Steeped in moonshine and almighty riffs, THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS' music breathes oil into your lungs while it elevates you up the Smokey Appalachia Mountains. As southern boys, we take pride in our past as we trudge on and strive to make our mark in the modern world. This effort is now strengthened by the hand of this heavy record label. We welcome all with the open arms of southern hospitality to this loud- ass, gut-bucket of American heavy metal!"

For more information, visit

In May 2008, the U.S. offices of Season of Mist were nearly destroyed due to a deluge of water damage and the resulting attack of black toxic mold. Can this be a direct result of the volume voodoo unleashed by the signing of a certain southern, outlaw organization? This group of restless reprobates cultivated under the scrutiny and beat-downs of an oppressive redneck authority. Being well-placed members of local New Orleans conspiracists EYEHATEGOD, SOILENT GREEN and HAWGJAW, OUTLAW ORDER has united under one negative war banner to blast the system with a twist to the N'awlins sound of rebellion and pollution. A fully realized organization, these null percenters follow no one. They do however wear the Louisiana influence on their black armbanded sleeves and shine a stolen police flashlight into the darkened rooms inhabited by law enforcement cockroaches. This is truly a new seperatist set of rules. Combining their militant safecracking skills with leading sonic boom specialists Season of Mist, the debut record, "Dragging Down The Enforcer", is set to explode this October.


Michael D. Williams (EYEHATEGOD, ARSON ANTHEM) - Vocals
Gary Mader (EYEHATEGOD, HAWGJAW) - Guitar
Joey LaCaze (EYEHATEGOD) - Drums
Justin Grisoli (ex-EYEHATEGOD) - Bass

For more information, visit

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