February 14, 2018

MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer Tommy Lee is engaged to Brittany Furlan. The 55-year-old rocker announced on social media that he proposed to the 31-year-old online video star on Valentine's Day.

"Well this certainly beats chocolates!" Lee captioned a photo of Furlan's heart-shaped engagement ring. "Say hello to future Mrs. Lee #engaged."

Furlan also shared the news via Twitter, writing: "Best day of my life!!!! I can't wait to get to spend forever with my best friend."

Lee and Furlan first sparked dating rumors last summer when they were seen out and about in Calabasas, California.

Furlan has 2.3 million Instagram followers and was the most followed female video star on Vine until November 2015.

Furlan had 9.9 million followers on Vine and more than 4 billion loops on the online video site before the death of the platform that made her famous. She later tried her hand at acting but expressed her fear to Thrillist in 2016 that she had already been typecast as an Internet one-off.

In 2015, she was named one of the most influential people on the Internet by Time magazine.

In 2014, Tommy announced his engagement to longtime girlfriend Sofia Toufa, and they were last photographed publicly in June 2016. He was previously married to Pamela Anderson, with whom he has two sons.

MÖTLEY CRÜE called it quits in December 2015 following an eighteen-month tour that saw the band performing to packed houses all over the world.

A tour film about MÖTLEY CRÜE's final shows, "The End", came out in 2016, and a film adaptation of the band's 2001 autobiography "The Dirt" is said to be in the works.

Well this certainly beats chocolates! Say hello to future Mrs. Lee ?? #engaged?

A post shared by brittanyfurlan (@brittanyfurlan) on

Bye bye CABO!!!! Love you and my baby!

A post shared by TOMMY LEE (@tommylee) on

Backbeats ! @brittanyfurlan my drum

A post shared by TOMMY LEE (@tommylee) on

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