TOOL Begins Recording New Album

March 5, 2018

According to a new Instagram post from TOOL guitarist Adam Jones, the band has finally entered the studio to begin recording its next LP.

Last month, TOOL frontman Maynard James Keenan revealed that he had finished writing the "words and melodies" to all but one new song for the new disc. Jones later wrote on Instagram that recording would begin in March.

Keenan has said very little about the new TOOL album in recent years, with his last message being perhaps his most specific in a long time. He also sings on the new album from A PERFECT CIRCLE, which arrives in April.

TOOL hasn't released any new music since the "10,000 Days" LP, which came out in May 2006.

Jones told The Pulse Of Radio not long ago that everyone in TOOL respects the fact that the other members also have lives outside the band. "Everyone's got their own lives," he said. "We have kids, we have other projects, we have other interests. You know, it's like a marriage, you know, as you get older you kind of have to work at it and, you know, your partner changes and you have to kind of work to keep it going and keeping it positive and keeping the communication going and compromising and the respect and all that stuff."

The instrumental members of the band have been working steadily on music for the past year, with drummer Danny Carey recently saying that the disc could be released sometime this year.

TOOL's only currently scheduled appearance of 2018 is a May 18 headlining performance at Somerset, Wisconsin's Northern Invasion festival.

~ Day 1 ?

A post shared by Adam Jones (@adamjones_tv) on

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