TRINACRIA Featuring ENSLAVED Members: Debut Album Due Next Week

April 8, 2008

Indie Recordings has has set an April 14 release date for the debut album from Norwegian experimental noise/metal masters TRINACRIA, entitled "Travel Now Journey Infinitely".

According to a press release, "TRINACRIA is named after the ancient symbol of an eye enclosed by a pyramid, as shown on the American dollar bill. The symbol has long been considered a coded emblem of international conspiracy and ties in with the project's theme of the power of occult symbolism in the modern world.

"TRINACRIA was originally a composition by Ivar Bjrnson (ENSLAVED),Maja S. K. Ratkje and Hild Sofie Tafjord (both from FE-MAIL),commissioned by Rikskonsertene for a concert series. The line-up was completed by Grutle Kjellson, Ice Dale (both from ENSLAVED),Iver Sandy (EMMERHOFF) and Espen Lien. In short: after working together briefly, the composition turned into a vital project which after touring became a fully welded band.

"The hard-hitting sounds of cutting-edge Norwegian extreme metal combined with contemporary Norwegian noise's finest makes for a unique blend. The result outdoes the sum of the products by far TRINACRIA represents something unique on the music scene as a whole.

"TRINACRIA is an abstraction in both aspects; musically and conceptually. It is an approximation towards something indefinable along the lines of 'dark,' 'occult' and perhaps 'beauty and chaos.' It is as pretentious/ unpretentious as you want it to be love it or hate it; very few end up in between."

01. Turn-Away (9:14)
02. The Silence (7:40)
03. Make No Mistake (6:20)
04. Endless Roads (10:00)
05. Breach (4:37)
06. Travel Now Journey Infinitely (9:23)

Check out the album artwork at Northern Metal webzine.

Commented the band: "We're proud to see TRINACRIA's debut album make its way out into the world. We couldn't be more pleased with the framework for this occasion: working the gentlepeople at Indie Recordings is a treat for any recording artist with a taste for communication and mutual respect. The road from what began as a one-off concert to this full-fledged maelstrom of a monster album has been nothing short of fantastic for all seven of us. We're only curious to see where the TRINACRIA takes us next!"

For more information, visit


Ivar Bjrnson [Guitar]
Maja S. K. Ratkje [Voice and Electronics]
Arve "Ice Dale" Isdal [Guitar]
Iver Sandy [Drums]
Hild S. Tafjord [Horn and Electronics]
Espen Lien [Bass]
Grutle Kjellson [Vocal]

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