VAN HALEN: 'Breaking The Band" Documentary To Re-Air This Weekend On REELZ; Exclusive Preview Clip

August 28, 2018

The VAN HALEN episode of "Breaking The Band", the new original docu-series from the Reelz TV network, will re-air on Saturday, September 1 at 10:00 p.m. ET / PT. The special, which features new interviews with Michael Anthony and Sammy Hagar, was originally broadcast this past June.

A new "Breaking The Band: Van Halen" preview clip, featuring Anthony, can be seen below.

Michael said via Instagram that being interviewed for "Breaking The Band" "brought up many great memories," while Hagar added that the interviewers "were great."

Show synopsis: "They were the biggest rock band in the world and infamous for their excess and raucous live performances. With strutting front men, wild hair and a penchant for spandex, they were the archetypal '80s rock band. But behind the scenes, all was not well inside VAN HALEN and a battle for control raged between the brothers at the heart of the band and its lead singer, David Lee Roth. Years of touring, substance abuse and personality clashes had left them on the brink. When Roth's ambitions grew beyond the band, the VAN HALEN brothers forced him out. Millions of fans were devastated, but VAN HALEN rose from the ashes with a new front man, Sammy Hagar. Against the odds, they reached even greater heights with a string of No. 1 albums. But with the new success, tensions emerged again. 'Breaking The Band' sits down with band members including Sammy Hagar and bassist Michael Anthony to ask what finally split up VAN HALEN?"

After "Breaking The Band: Van Halen" first aired back in June, Eddie Van Halen's wife, Janie, who is also his publicist, tweeted: "Great job @ReelzChannel on the inaccuracies, bad wigs and overall embarrassing(for u and those who participated) junk tv. Fucking hysterical?. It’s amazing what gets produced these days."

Last November, Hagar said that he had lost hope there would ever be another VAN HALEN reunion, explaining that Eddie and Alex Van Halen did not want to reconnect with him as friends.

Hagar, who exchanged tweets with Eddie Van Halen in January 2016, hasn't made music with Eddie or Alex since his final tour with VAN HALEN back in 2004.

In 2007, the Van Halen brothers, Wolfgang Van Halen and Roth announced they would be hitting the road for a reunion tour. Anthony later told Music Radar that he "found out about that tour like everybody else did — in the press."

Anthony has played primarily with Hagar in the 14 years since he last performed with VAN HALEN, in groups like CHICKENFOOT and THE CIRCLE.

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