Watch CLUTCH Play Three-Song Set From Rehearsal Space

April 21, 2020

As most of the globe adjusts to the new reality of life under self-quarantine in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of artists have taken the show online to share some musical joy during these trying times. One of the latest acts to look for a new, temporary way to bond with fans until a return to normal is the Maryland outfit CLUTCH, which livestreamed a three-song set from its rehearsal space earlier today (Tuesday, April 21).

The 16-minute video, consisting of a short introduction and the tracks "50,000 Unstoppable Watts", "El Jefe Speaks" and "Willie Nelson", can be seen below.

After the performance, frontman Neil Fallon addressed the viewing audience, saying: "That's gonna be it for now. We would like to play more. I'm sure you would like to hear songs too. But this is a test. We'll do something more robust in the future. We're eventually gonna get more cameras — trick it out a little bit. This is kind of a learn-by-doing exercise.

"As far as touring goes, we would much rather be onstage smelling you," he added. "That'll come around — not sure when. But a lot of things are in motion."

Fallon recently confirmed to Sonic Perspectives that CLUTCH has commenced the songwriting process for the follow-up to 2018's "Book Of Bad Decisions" album.

CLUTCH recently released "Monsters, Machines, And Mythological Beasts", a themed digital-only compilation of songs from the band's vast catalog. The various tracks were taken from "Robot Hive/Exodus", "Book Of Bad Decisions", "Pitchfork & Lost Needles", "Earth Rocker", "Strange Cousins From The West", "Live At The 9:30", "Psychic Warfare" and "Jam Room". CLUTCH also issued several songs as part of the "Weathermaker Vault Series", including a reworked version of "Spacegrass", renditions of the Willie Dixon 1950s classic "Evil" (later recorded by CACTUS),ZZ TOP's "Precious And Grace" and CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL's "Fortunate Son", as well as a new version of "Electric Worry".

"Book Of Bad Decisions" came out in September 2018. The record sold 26,000 copies in America during its first week of availability, giving the group its third consecutive Top 20 album on the Billboard 200.

"Book Of Bad Decisions" was recorded at Sputnik Sound studio in Nashville, Tennessee with producer Vance Powell.

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