Watch SICK OF IT ALL Perform With Fill-In Guitarist CRAIG SILVERMAN In Stockholm

August 10, 2022

Fan-filmed video of SICK OF IT ALL's August 3 performance at Debaser in Stockholm, Sweden can be seen below.

Late last month, SICK OF IT ALL announced that guitarist Pete Koller would sit out the band's summer 2022 European tour in order to undergo surgery for a hernia. His temporary replacement is Craig Silverman (AGNOSTIC FRONT, ONLY LIVING WITNESS, BLOOD FOR BLOOD, RAMALLAH, SLAPSHOT).

On July 24, SICK OF IT ALL released the following statement via social media: "We have some unfortunate news. Pete can not make the up coming tour which starts next week. He was trying to see if he could get his surgery for a hernia after the tour but the doctors said it would worsen his condition. So with a heavy heart he has to cancel but he didn't want us to disappoint all the people that were counting and relying on us to suffer especially the fans. So he suggested we go on the tour with the help from Craig Silverman @craig_aint_like_you. From AGNOSTIC FRONT.

"This was not an easy decision. This is the first time we will ever be playing with out Pete. But he didn’t want us to let down all our fans who have brought tickets already. Thanks to Craig Silverman for stepping up and helping us out. Ans please let's all wish Pete a speedy recovery. We hope you all come out and get loud with us!!"

SICK OF IT ALL's twelfth studio album, "Wake The Sleeping Dragon!", was released in November 2018 via Century Media. The follow-up to 2014's "The Last Act Of Defiance" was produced by Jerry Farley (EVERY TIME I DIE, DEMON HUNTER) over a two-and-a-half-week period at Nova Studios in Staten Island, New York and was mixed and mastered by Tue Madsen (MESHUGGAH, THE HAUNTED, MADBALL). The cover artwork was created by Ernie Parada.

"Wake The Sleeping Dragon!" featured guest appearances by RISE AGAINST vocalist/guitarist Tim McIlrath and HOT WATER MUSIC frontman Chuck Ragan.

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