Win Chance To Perform With IN FLAMES

March 11, 2008

Swedish metallers IN FLAMES are offering one lucky member of their fan club a chance to perform with the band live.

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"The Mirror's Truth", the new video from IN FLAMES, is available for viewing below. The clip was filmed in January at an abandoned factory site in Skellefteå, Sweden with the Swedish company Popcore (NORMA JEAN, UNDEROATH, KHOMA, CULT OF LUNA).

IN FLAMES recently inked a deal with Koch Records for the North American release of the group's new album, "A Sense of Purpose". Due on April 1 (April 7 in most of Europe via Nuclear Blast),the follow-up to 2006's "Come Clarity" was recorded at the band's own IF Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden and was mixed by Toby Wright (METALLICA, SLAYER). The group received assistance during the vocal-recording sessions from producer Daniel Bergstrand, who previously produced the vocals on "Reroute To Remain", "Soundtrack To Your Escape" and "Come Clarity". All artwork for the album was created by Alex Pardee for ZeroFriends. Alex also created the artwork for the first single, "The Mirror's Truth".

IN FLAMES, CHILDREN OF BODOM, JOB FOR A COWBOY and HIGH ON FIRE will play this year's Gigantour in North America beginning mid-April and running through the end of May. Headlining the trek will be MEGADETH.

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