MANTRIC: Debut Album Title, Artwork, Release Date Revealed

February 22, 2010

MANTRIC, the Norwegian metal band featuring former members of metal visionaries EXTOL, will release its debut album, "The Descent", on April 27 (one day earlier internationally) via Prosthetic Records. The CD was recorded in Norway, with Danish producer Tue Madsen (HALFORD, BEHEMOTH, KATAKLYSM, THE HAUNTED) handling mixing and mastering duties at his Antfarm facility in Århus, Denmark.

According to a press release, "The Descent" "fuses a unique, distinctly Scandinavian take on rich, challenging metal and modern punk with a powerful progressive edge."

Commented MANTRIC vocalist/guitarist Ole Sveen: "Our first album using the MANTRIC name does to our ears deserve to get out to lovers of hard music all over the world.

"Our music embraces creativity and originality outside the limits of narrow genres... This is a release that is both accessible and original, catchy and complex at the same time, and we can't wait to get it out!"

MANTRIC will showcase "The Descent" with a selection of gigs across Norway around the release date before embarking on European and North American tours to support the album throughout 2010.


John Mjaaland - Bass, Vocal
Kim Akerholdt - Drums
Anders Salomon Lidal - Soundscapes
Tor Glidje - Guitar, Vocals, Percussion

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